December 11, 2019 Minutes

Lunch meetings are held the second Wednesday of every even month. Upcoming 2020 meetings are February 12, April 8,June 10, August 12, October 14, and December 9.

Held at the Stadium Grill, 1218 Fellows Place, Columbia,Missouri at Noon. Meetings usually last about an hour.

President Andy Kassel, Vice President Ben Trachtenberg, and Secretary/Treasurer Bruce Klaus were reelected to office for 2020.

The Sigma Chi house at University of Missouri closed in November. For more information, see the Sigma Chi International website at

A colony will be starting at Westminster in 2020. Meetings will be held at the Sigma Chi house. After February 1 2020,members of Sigma Chi can visit a meeting on any Sunday at 7:00 p.m. If you would like to attend, please e-mail Significant Sig Bob Aulgur Westminster ‘ 75 at

A Province Workshop will be held at St Louis University on Saturday, February 8, 2020. This will include chapters from Northern and Southern Missouri Provinces. If you would like to attend contact Andy Kassel.

You can pay your 2020 dues of $20 with a check. Just send to:        

                                                          Central Missouri Sigma Chi Alumni Chapter

                                                                            P O Box 813

                                                                       Columbia,MO 65205

See you at our next meeting February 12

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