July 12 Minutes

On May 10, June 14 and July 12 the members of the Central Missouri Sigma Chi Alumni Chapter met at Broadway Brewery, 816 E. Broadway, Columbia, Missouri from 5-7 pm. Much of the conversation at all three dates revolved around the 84th Grand Chapter in Toronto, Canada. Significant Sig Bob Aulgur, Westminster’76 was the certified delegate representing the Central Missouri Sigma Chi Alumni Chapter. Ben Trachtenberg, Yale ’01 was the alternate delegate. Ben also serves the Sigma Chi International Fraternity as Chairman of the Governing Laws Committee. Most of the business voted on at the 84th Grand Chapter involved Pledge Fees, Initiation Fees and Member Fees. Bob Wilson, Ft Hays’81 was elected as the 73rd Grand Consul.

We had a visitor at our July 12 meeting with a cell phone call from Order of Constantine Sig and Grand Trustee J. B. Allen, Western University ‘79.

The next scheduled meeting will be held on Wednesday August 9

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April 12 Minutes

January 11, February 8, March 8, and April 12 the members of Central Missouri Sigma Chi Alumni Chapter met at Broadway Brewery, 816 E. Broadway, Columbia, Missouri from 5-7 pm. At the most recent meeting on Wednesday April 12 seven members from the Associated Chapter at the University of Missouri were also in attendance. Consul Tyler Thomas reported that there are currently 31 members in the Associated Chapter. They are looking to recruit about 25 more members by Fall 2023. They will be organizing Derby Days activities on the campus. On May 1 they will be meeting with alumni at Tate Hall.

Congratulations to Ben Trachtenberg, Yale ’01 on his selection to the 2023 class of the Order of Constantine. Ben will be inducted at the Grand Chapter to be held in Toronto from June 22-25, 2023.

The next scheduled meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 10

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December 14 Minutes

Members of the Central Missouri Sigma Ci Alumni Chapter met again the Broadway Brewery, 816 E Broadway, Columbia, Missouri from 5 -7 pm on Wednesday, December 14, 2022. The Associated Chapter(Colony) at Westminster is moving forward and looking for potential new members for the Spring Semester. The Associated Chapter at the University of Missouri -Columbia is proceeding very well and will add two new classes in the Spring. Current officers: Andy Kassel – President, Ben Trachtenberg- Vice President, and Bruce Klaus – Sec/Treas will return to those positions in 2023 with a unanimous vote. 2023 will be our 20th year as a Sigma Chi Alumni organization. We started as an Association in February 2003 and received our Charter as an Alumni Chapter in April 2004.

Please send your $20 dues for 2023 to:

Central Missouri Sigma Chi Alumni Chapter

Bruce Klaus

5003 Laredo Trail

Columbia, Mo 65203

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October 12 Minutes

Regularly scheduled meetings were held on August 10 and October 12 at the Broadway Brewery in Downtown Columbia, Missouri. Updates were presented on the progress of the Associated Chapters at Westminster and the University of Missouri. Chapter Advisor Bob Aulgur reported that Westminster has 5 members. They are working through the phases prescribed by the New Chapter Development Committee. The Associated Chapter at Missouri has 18 members with another Fall class expected. They are off to a great start according to the latest issue of the Tiger Sig. It is expected that the Northern Missouri Province and the Southern Missouri Province will be combined into one Missouri Province at the 73rd Grand Chapter to be held in Toronto from June 22-25, 2023

The next scheduled meeting will be held Wednesday, December 14.

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